CAS: Updated 2020 Exam Dates for Exams 5 - 9

The CAS has updated 2020 exam dates for Exams 5 - 9. Changes are as follows:

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CAS: Fall 2020 Exams will Use Computer-Based Testing

The CAS has announced that all Fall 2020 exams will be delivered via computer-based testing. Learn more here:

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Actuaries Around the World: Ireland

Paul Walsh is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland and a Fellow of the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries in the UK. Prior to founding Acumen Resources he worked in both direct-writing and consulting actuarial environments over an extensive career. He now consults across all practice…

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COVID-19 Information: We are Still Open for Business!

In these unprecedented times, we are taking all steps needed to protect you and our staff, while helping to make sure all of your educational needs are met. We want to assure you that ACTEX is conducting business as usual, just from the comfort of our own homes. This means no disruption in our…

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